Dimensions - professional resources in mathematics education F-12


The Australian Mathematics and Science Partnership Program

AMSPP is a major program of the Australian Government that is designed to "build theoretical and pedagogical skills of school teachers to deliver maths and science subjects" and “encourage more students to study science, technology, engineering and maths courses at university”.

AAMT partnered with five of the 15 projects funded over the period 2014–17. These projects collaborated with AAMT to develop Dimensions and the original professional learning resources it hosts.

About the projects

The five projects and the lead partner university are:

University of Tasmania – The Towards Educating Mathematics Professionals Encompassing Science and Technology (TEMPEST) project will pilot and develop professional learning and other resources in line with a quality assurance framework that it will develop and share across the projects.

University of Technology, Sydney – Maths Inside: Highlighting the role of mathematics in society as motivation to engage more in mathematical activities will develop inspirational videos and classroom resources that ‘unpack’ the mathematics involved in some of CSIRO’s leading edge developments in science and technology.

RMIT University – The Reframing Mathematical Futures: Building a learning and teaching resource to enhance mathematical reasoning in Years 7 to 10 project will develop assessment tools and developmental trajectories for the ‘big ideas’ in algebra, geometry and measurement, and statistics and probability to go with an existing framework for number (multiplicative reasoning).

University of South Australia – The Excellence and Equity in Maths: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Achievement and Tertiary Aspirations in Mathematics will work with clusters of secondary schools to encourage and support more Aboriginal students to study the higher level mathematics subjects in Years 11–12.

University of Canberra – In the National Mentoring for Science Teachers project, AAMT will establish a small group of expert teachers to advise on the mathematical demands that arise in teaching junior secondary physics and chemistry, and how science teachers can approach these constructively.Ack